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General and special consultation

sprechstunde, routinekontrolle der augen, brillenverordnung, sehtest, augenuntersuchung, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove


eye checks

At the very latest, starting at the age of 40, an annual routine exam is required, to diagnose chronic eye diseases such as glaucoma early on.


A routine exam typically includes an eyesight test, checking possible glasses, measuring intraocular pressure and an exam using the slit lamp, to examine important parts of the eye such as cornea, eye lens and retina.

behandlung augenerkrankung, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove


eye diseases

Chronic eye diseases require regular eye exams.


E.g. glaucoma requires an intraocular pressure check and a field of view exam, among other things, once or twice a year.

Eye sight test

and prescribing glasses

One common reason for a consultation is to check vision for a driver’s license exam or being fitted for glasses.


During the appointment, a routine eye check is performed. 

sprechstunde, routinekontrolle der augen, brillenverordnung, sehtest, augenuntersuchung, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove


An immediate ophthalmologic consultation (also see Emergency consultation policy) is required for sudden vision impairment, flashes or black dots/strings in front of the eye, bars or shadows in front of the eye, seeing straight lines, which suddenly appear wavy, acute double vision, severe reddening, adhesion or swelling of the eye (particularly, when wearing contact lenses), foreign objects in the eye and chemical burns from alkaline or acid substances and trauma (e.g. due to bruising).

notfall, augennotfall, notfallsprechstunde, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove
spezial-sprechstunde, amd, altersbedingte makuladegeneration, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove

Macular (AMD)


Age-related macular degeneration (AMD for short) leads to the loss of central vision, while maintaining peripheral vision.


AMD is an eye disease; it does not lead to complete loss of vision.

kindersprechstunde, routinekontrolle der augen, brillenverordnung, sehtest, augenuntersuchung, schiel-sprechstunde, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove

Paediatric/strabismus consultation

Detecting eye diseases early in children is key, as they can greatly impact a child’s future.


The majority of information transferred to the brain is received by the eyes.


Therefore, visual performance and developing vision is very important to your children, not least for the development of the brain as well.


The development of vision can be impaired for various reasons.


Orthoptics is part of the area of strabology.


Orthoptics treats people of all ages – from infants as young as four months all the way to the senior citizens. 


This medical field ranges from prevention to diagnostics and treatment as well as rehabilitation.


Screenings in children are deemed extremely important.

orthoptik, spezial-sprechstunde, augenuntersuchung, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove

Refractive surgery consultation

Refractive surgery refers to any surgical procedure, which eliminates the need for glasses.


Patients have various options to choose from.


Detailed pre-examinations, sometimes several hours long, are required, in order to present you with the best possible solution.


Whether young or old, far- or near-sighted - Vista Alpina Eye Clinic offers customized solutions.

refraktive chrirugie, spezial-sprechstunde, augenuntersuchung, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove
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