The Vista Alpina Eye Clinic
The Vista Alpina Eye Clinic was established in 2008 by Dr. Kristof Vandekerckhove, MD.
In Visp (situated in the railway station building) as well as in Sierre and in Sion (in immediate proximity to the railway station) the entire range of medical services (except for eye surgery -> Visp) are offered.

The Vista Alpina Eye Clinic provides the population of the Valais with the maximum of ophthalmologic health services in their home canton. The medical spectrum and the team of specialists are constantly expanding. Dr. Kristof Vandekerckhove, MD, is one of the most successful surgeons in Switzerland with, for example, about 20000 cataract surgeries and an approximate total annual surgery volume of 5000 surgeries.
The rate of complications in cataract surgery was always considerably below the European average.
Surgery figures 2021, Dr. Kristof Vandekerckhove, MD
In 2021 Dr. Kristof Vandekerckhove, MD, performed more than 5.000 eye surgeries (2.000 cataract surgeries, more than 300 eyelid and other eye surgeries and 3.000 intravitreal therapies).