Laser treatments
Most laser treatments are practically painless and are carried out without bleeding. The patient sits at the slit lamp, rests his or her chin on it and leans against it with his or her forehead. The treatment is performed in a regular examination room. Laser treatment is used for various disorders.
For diabetics
Throughout life diabetes damages the small vessels in the body, including in the retina.
The vessels can leak, which inevitably results in bleeding in the retina or water retention.
Laser treatment on the retina helps reduce the incidence of leaking vessels.

For after cataract treatment
A few months or years after cataract surgery, clouding (fibrosis) of the posterior lens capsule, i.e. behind the intraocular lens, can occur. This will result in repeated visual impairment. With laser treatment, the laser is aimed precisely at the cloudy capsule to, open it. After the procedure, visual acuity is the same as after cataract surgery, provided there is no other eye disease.
Important information
Vista Alpina Eye Clinic purposely refrains from correcting defective vision using lasers. Instead, the clinic uses the comparably effective, permanent and better quality solution of lens implantation.