From 21 years living without glasses is possible

Seeing without glasses from 21 years
If you are 21 or older, you can choose a life without needing glasses.
A very thin lens, a so-called implantable contact lens (ICL), is implanted behind the iris and in front of the patient’s eye lens.
It can correct near-sightedness, far-sightedness or corneal irregularity, regardless how severe.
Learn about the dis-/advantages of ICL in detail and schedule your consultation today!

Seeing without glasses from 50 years
Starting at age of 50 age-related far-sightedness usually occurs - in addition to any existing near-sightedness or other visual defects.
In this case, similar to cataract surgery, it is better to remove the patient’s eye lens and replace it with a multi-focal intraocular lens (“clear lens extraction” since there is no cataract).
The multi-focal lens allows most patients to live a life without glasses. nsurances never cover the costs (surgery, lens).
Seeing without glasses
with upcoming cataract
During cataract surgery, the natural lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. Therefore, this surgery is a good opportunity, to correct any existing visual defects as well.
Premium lenses such as toric (for corneal irregularity) or multi-focal lenses are used for this purpose.
The cost of the procedure is covered by your health insurance; you have to pay the additional charge for the lens.

Seeing without glasses after earlier cataract surgery
For patients still requiring distance glasses after implanting an artificial lens, e.g. after cataract surgery, the remaining defective vision can be corrected by inserting a second lens ("add-on").
A multi-focal add-on lens is available for patients, who would also like to eliminate the need for reading glasses.