Emergencies (requiring an appointment within one or two days)
Vista Alpina patients: always seen during clinic hours (Monday morning until Saturday afternoon).
New patients: Vista Alpina Eye Clinic reserves daily emergency slots for referring primary care physicians. If possible, we try always to strive to take on emergencies. In the event demand exceeds the available emergency slots, we will refer to the respective Wallis emergency ophthalmologist on duty.
Telephone availability
For all patients: Patients can phone Vista Alpina Eye Clinic Monday to Friday during regular clinic hours until 5:30 pm at tel. +41(0)27 946 70 00 (Visp) and tel. +41(0)27 455 34 04 (Siders). In urgent emergency cases, you can reach us Monday to Friday until 7:30 pm and Saturday until 12 pm at tel. +41(0)27 946 70 18 (Visp & Siders).
For post-operative patients
Post-operative patients receive an information sheet after surgery including the surgeon’s mobile phone number.
Nights and weekends
At night (7:00 pm to 7:00 am) as well as on Saturdays and Sundays, you can reach the medical emergency service for the Valais canton at tel. +41(0)900 144 033 (Fr. 0.50 per call and Fr. 2.- per minute, maximum amount charged Fr. 30.50). The physician manning the answering service will provide medical advise over the phone and arrange a consultation with a local physician, if necessary even a specialist. Valais has an ophthalmologist available 24/7, 365 days a year for urgent emergencies.