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Diagnosing glaucoma

Starting at the age of 45, intraocular pressure should be measured annually; if glaucoma is present, possibly more frequently.


In order to detect any pressure variations, the intraocular pressure is often measured at three different times of the day.

diagnosis, eye pressure measurement, slit lamp, glaucoma, glaucoma, vista alpina eye clinic, dr. vondekerckhove, wallis, upper valais, siders, sierre, visp, sion, eye surgery
Weibliches Auge
Augenarzt Schulz

"From the Waterkant (= coast) to the Valais - since opening of the Eye

Center in 2008 with plenty of

passion in charge of you."

Dr. Dominic Scghulz, MD, Ophthalmologist Vista Alpina

  • Examination of the optic nerve using a slit lamp

  • Examination of the
    visual field

  • OCT measurement of the nerve fibre layer around the optic nerve

grüner star, glaukom, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, dr. med. vandekerckhove


Contact & consultation Visp

Vista Alpina Eye Clinic

Bahnhofplatz 1a

3930 Visp

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Office hours

Mon: 8am-12pm & 1pm-8pm

Thur: 7.30am-12pm & 1pm-8pm

Tue,Wed & Fri: 7.30am-12pm & 1pm-6pm

Sat: 8am-1pm


To fix an appointment pls call us (8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5.30pm) under this number

T. 027 946 70 00


In emergencies you can also reach us outside office hours. Please click here.

Contact & consultation Sierre

Vista Alpina Eye Clinic

Rue du Bourg 3

3960 Sierre

​Send e-mail


Office hours

Mon, Wed & Thur:

8am-12pm & 12.45pm-6pm

Tue: 7am-12pm & 12.45pm-7pm

Fri: 8am-12pm & 1.45pm-6pm

Sat: closed


To fix an appointment pls call us (8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5.30pm) under this number

T. 027 455 34 04


In emergencies you can also reach us outside office hours. Please click here.

Contact & consultation Sion

Vista Alpina Eye Clinic

Avenue du Midi 14

1950 Sion

​Send e-mail


Office hours

Mon: 8am-12pm & 12.45pm-4h30pm

Thue: 8am-12pm & 12.45pm-5h30pm

Fri: 8am-12pm & 12.45pm-5h00pm

Wed & Thur: closed



To fix an appointment pls call us (8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5.30pm) under this number

T. 027 552 05 00


In emergencies you can also reach us outside office hours. Please click here.

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Disclaimer: Augenklinik Vista Alpina AG and the services provided by Augenklinik Vista Alpina are not legally or otherwise affiliated with Vista Klinik AG, Laser Vista AG, Vista Klinik Net AG or Vista Diagnostics AG.

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