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Start: Willkommen
Every year up to 2.000 cataract surgeries
more than 300 eyelid & other eye surgeries
and more than 3000 intravitreal therapies
centre ophtalmologique vista alpina, viège, sierre, ophtalmologie, salle d'opération, maladies des yeux, consultation, chirurgie des yeux, voir sans lunettes, valais, haut-valais, eye clinic, eye centre, ophthalmologist, cataract, glaucoma, premium lenses, contact lenses, laser treatment, Dr. Vandekerckhove, Vista Alpina, Visp, Sierre, Sion, Sion, Brig, strabismus treatment, macular degeneration, Upper Valais, Valais, Bernese Oberland, Thun, Spiez, Switzerland, eye surgery, eye surgery, seeing without glasses, orthoptics, retina surgery, retina surgery, eyelid surgery, refractive surgery, intravitreal therapy, refractive errors, presbyopia, eye diseases, Augenklinik, Augenzentrum, Augenarzt, Grauer Star, Grüner Star, Premium-Linsen, Kontaktlinsen, Laserbehandlung, Dr. Vandekerckhove, Vista Alpina, Visp, Siders, Sierre, Sitten, Sion, Brig, Schielbehandlung, Makuladegeneration, Oberwallis, Wallis, Valais, Berner Oberland, Thun, Spiez, Schweiz, Augenchirurgie, Augenoperationen, Sehen ohne Brille, Orthoptik, Netzhautsprechstunde, Netzhautchirurgie, Lidchirurgie, refraktive Chirurgie, intravitreale Therapie, Fehlsichtigkeiten, Alterssichtigkeit, Augenerkrankungen

Vista Alpina Eye Clinic

Don't compromise when it comes to your eyes


With 9 ophthalmologists and its own operating theatre, everything on site and from a single source

sprechstunde, augensprechstunde, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, wallis, oberwallis, augenheilkunde, augenarzt, ophthalmologie, operationssaal, kindersprechstunde, schielsprechstunde, notfälle, brillenverordnung, sehtest, altersbedingte makuladegeneration


Eye surgery

vista alpina augenzentrum wallis, oberwallis, visp, siders, sehen ohne brille, implantierbare kontaktlinsen, clear lens extraction, glaskörperaustausch, refraktive premiumlinsen, add-on linse, sehen ohne brille, schonende alternative zu lasern

Eye and diseases

Seeing without glasses from 21 years


Important & informative news for you and your eyes


Dr. med. Vandekerckhove recommends premium IOL with excellent intermediate visual acuity for grey star patients

NZZ am Sonntag: Cataract. New lenses for better vision.

EDOF: die neueste bifokale Linsen-Technologie bei Vista Alpina für ein Sehen ohne Brille, vista alpina augenzentrum, visp, siders, sierre, wallis, oberwallis, dr. vandekerckhove

EDOF: the latest bifocal lens technology at Vista Alpina for seeing without glasses

vista alpina augenzentrum wallis, oberwallis, visp, siders, anerkannte weiterbildungsstätte, facharzt, facharzt-titel

Vista Alina Eye Center recognized as training facility for specialists also in 2024

vista alpina augenzentrum wallis, oberwallis, visp, siders, augenarzt, stellenausschreibung, stellenangebot, job, arbeitsplatz, stelleninserat

Wanted: Medical assistants, Orthoptist, and MD Ophtalmologist, both m/f

vista alpina augenzentrum wallis, oberwallis, visp, siders, notfall, sprechstundenregelung

Important information regarding emergency consultation policy in canton Valais

Start: Kontakt


Located in or right next to the railway station and no more than 70km away from you

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