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XEN Gel Stent

The XEN Gel Stent implant is a new, minimally invasive surgical technique for many forms of glaucoma.

The Collamer implant is only 6 millimetres long and thinner than a human hair. It is made of collagen, which is biocompatible and very well tolerated.

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It functions as a minute tube, which can reduce pressure in the eye by up to 50% by draining excess fluid away. The XEN Gel Stent is so small that it:

  • can be inserted without sutures

  • is not visible from the outside

  • is not noticed by the patient

When can the implant be used?

The XEN Gel Stent implant is suitable if, for example,

  • You cannot tolerate drops that are used to lower your eye pressure

  • Treatment with drops doesn’t reduce your eye pressure enough, or your eye pressure fluctuates too much even if you use the drops 

  • Your lifestyle makes it difficult for you to use eye drops regularly

  • The depth of the anterior chamber of the eye is not sufficient

Dr. med. Kristof Vandkerckhove interviewed by Isabel Walker, british journalist, about the XEN gel stent

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Contact & consultation Visp

Vista Alpina Eye Clinic

Bahnhofplatz 1a

3930 Visp

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Office hours

Mon: 8am-12pm & 1pm-8pm

Thur: 7.30am-12pm & 1pm-8pm

Tue,Wed & Fri: 7.30am-12pm & 1pm-6pm

Sat: 8am-1pm


To fix an appointment pls call us (8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5.30pm) under this number

T. 027 946 70 00

In emergencies you can also reach us outside office hours. Please click here.

Contact & consultation Sierre

Vista Alpina Eye Clinic

Rue du Bourg 3

3960 Sierre

Send e-mail

Office hours

Mon, Wed & Thur:

8am-12pm & 12.45pm-6pm

Tue: 7am-12pm & 12.45pm-7pm

Fri: 8am-12pm & 1.45pm-6pm

Sat: closed

To fix an appointment pls call us (8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5.30pm) under this number

T. 027 455 34 04

In emergencies you can also reach us outside office hours. Please click here.

Contact & consultation Sion

Vista Alpina Eye Clinic

Avenue du Midi 14

1950 Sion

Send e-mail

Office hours

Mon: 8am-12pm & 12.45pm-4h30pm

Thue: 8am-12pm & 12.45pm-5h30pm

Fri: 8am-12pm & 12.45pm-5h00pm

Wed & Thur: closed

To fix an appointment pls call us (8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5.30pm) under this number

T. 027 552 05 00

In emergencies you can also reach us outside office hours. Please click here.

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