News & information from the world of the Vista Alpina Eye Clinic

Your eyesight deserves attention!
Publication report, 10.10.2024
In a world full of visual stimuli, we often forget how important our eye health is. With regular check-ups, many eye diseases can be recognised and treated at an early stage.
Vista Alpina has developed guidelines on when it makes sense to visit an ophthalmologist in order to take the best possible care of your eye health.
A life without glasses - Dr Vandekerckhove in an interview with Radio rro
As part of an exciting series of interviews on Radio RRO, we are focussing on the topic of ‘Goodbye glasses!’. Dr Kristof Vandekerckhove answers burning questions: What methods are there to get rid of glasses for good? How reputable are low-cost providers and what is the gentle ICL variant all about?
You will find out everything about the procedure, possible pain and the costs. We also give you valuable tips on how to start your own ‘glasses off’ project and how often eye examinations are really necessary. Find out all this and more in this interview in German!

Walliser Bote: Thanks to him, many people in the Upper Valais have regained their former eyesight.
By Daniel Zumoberhaus, 06.08.2024
The Vista Alpina Eye Clinic in Visp is now a centre of excellence for eye surgery in Switzerland. It is becoming increasingly important for Upper Valais and has expanded into Central Valais. Its head is Dr Kristof Vandekerckhove.
Vista Alpina organized a successful, informative evening in collaboration with Retina Suisse
Dr. Vandekerckhove and his team of doctors, Stephan Hüsler (Managing Director of Retina Suisse) and Sichtbar in Brig presented everything to do with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) to an audience of over 100 interested people.

Researchers warn: Anyone who has ever had coronavirus should see an ophthalmologist now
Can corona cause long-term damage to the eyes? A new study suggests so. Coronaviruses can enter our eyes and damage the optic nerve. Even if they initially enter the body via the mouth and nose.
Pawan Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, led the study.
Vista Alpina holds four successful information evenings in Brig, Visp, Sierre and Sion
Dr. Vandekerckhove and his team of doctors presented everything about cataract surgery and the latest generation of intraocular lenses to more than 420 interested people.
The Vista Alpina Eye Clinic is pleased about the successful evenings with many interested people and the subsequent cosy exchange.

Professional article in the magazine "méd MAG" by Dr Kristof Vandekerckhove
Senior consultant Dr. med. Kristof Vandekerckhove publishes an exciting article on the subject of refractive cataract surgery in the June 2023 issue of the Magazine médical de la Suisse Romande "méd MAG": Not (yet) suitable for everyone
Vista Alpina Eye Clinic celebrates its 15th anniversary
On 21 April 2023 we successfully celebrated our 15th anniversary with numerous staff and patients at the Backstage Hotel Vernissage in Zermatt. The evening was introduced by two very interesting lectures on the topics of cataract and implantable contact lenses by our head physician Dr. Vandekerckhove, our senior physician Dimitri Baeriswyl
and our lens specialist Claudia Hahnloser, and was rounded off by an aperitif followed by an anniversary celebration.
The Vista Alpina Eye Clinic looks back on a successful & interesting evening in every respect and looks forward to further exciting years.

Recognized further training facility for specialist titles in 2024
Vista Alpina is proud to again be the only recognized training center for eye doctors and eye surgeons in Valais in 2024. We were again granted the authorization for both specialist directions by the Swiss Institute for Continuing Medical Education (SIWF).
Only clinics that meet the strict SIWF criteria defined by the wide range of medical services and the composition of the team of doctors are recognized as further training centers for resident doctors.
Radio rro: Interview series in German on cataracts.
It is one of the most common eye diseases. Cataract. It is a clouding of the lens of the eye.
In the seven-part interview series with the Upper Valais radio station rro, Kristof Vandekerckhove, MD, explains to listeners,

Radio rro: Short-sightedness. Eyes disease due to lockdown?
Dr Vandekerckhove interviewed by Radio rro on the risk of developing myopia due to increased use of PCs, tablets and mobile phones:
"Spending hours in front of a screen has become part of everyday life for many people in the lockdown.
NZZ am Sonntag: Cataract. New lenses for better vision.
By Felicitas Witte, 31.10.2020
At first the environment appears blurred and out of focus, later more colourless, as if through a fog. Light dazzles and driving becomes difficult. Usually both eyes are affected. The diagnosis: cataract.

EDOF: the latest bifocal lens technology at Vista Alpina for seeing without glasses
"EDOF" stands for "Extended Depth Of Focus" and characterises a new generation of implantable eye lenses in the field of vision without glasses.