Everything important about your most important sense organ

Anatomy of the human eye
The eye, the most important human sensory organ, is a "ball" of 2 cm in diameter. Along with the brain, it provides for visual perception.
Defective vision, e.g. near-sightedness, is common starting in early childhood and can negatively impact everyday living. With advancing age, more eye diseases such as cataract, etc. emerge.

Function of the human eye
“Seeing" is the most complex of the six senses.
In order for the brain to be able to get a picture of the surroundings, the eye must convert light into nerve impulses, which are subsequently routed through the optic nerve.
Here, different parts of the eye have specific tasks. [...]
Defective vision
Defective vision is not an eye disease; it is rather a defective refractive power of the eye, e.g. with near- or far-sightedness.
The incidence of light rays is not represented on the retina as a point, resulting in a blurry image.
Defective vision is corrected successfully and also permanently with glasses, contact lenses and now, increasingly with refractive surgery

Eye diseases
With advancing age, the probability of eye diseases continues to rise.
Between the age of 52 and 64, 50% of the population has some type of cataract; sometimes without noticing any impaired vision at all.
Between the age of 65 and 75, it is already way beyond 90%.
After the age of 75, half of those afflicted notice impaired vision or have already undergone surgery.